St. Louis School Student Newspaper
攝影 Photography
攝影是《博藝》最新設立的部門。起初《博藝》未有系統地組織攝影工作,僅邀請自備相機的編輯同學兼任攝影。有見及此,《博藝》在2020-2021學年開始了「校園攝影記者計劃」,邀請到專業攝影記者江智騫先生 (Mickey Kong) 教授同學攝影原理與技巧,惟因疫情緣故,建立攝影隊的宏願未能實現。
Photography is the newest department established in Aloysians. Initially, there was no organized structure for photography, and editors who had their own cameras were invited to take on photography duties. In the 2020-2021 academic year, Aloysians launched the “Campus Photojournalist Program” inviting professional photographer Mr. Mickey Kong (江智騫) to teach students the principles and techniques of photography. However, due to the pandemic, the aspiration to establish a photography team was not realized.
It wasn't until the 2022-23 academic year that Aloysians once again recruited students for the photography team. After a selection process, a sizable photography team comprising over ten students was formed. Aloysians photographers attend photography classes on Saturdays, where they learn about basic photography principles, sports photography, portrait photography, ecological photography, and more.
In addition to attending photography classes, the photography team is often invited to be the official photographers for various school events. Being a Aloysians photographer is not just a title that grants access to equipment; it symbolizes responsibility, professionalism, and perseverance.