St. Louis School Student Newspaper
What’s New 最新動態
《博藝》除了傳統的印刷紙本, 更新設了電子版平台方便大家閱讀。
In addition to the traditional printed paper version, Aloysians has provided an electronic version platform for the convenience of readers.
2024.2.20-3.2 JCCAC 賽馬會創意藝術中心
《博藝》(Aloysians)是聖類斯中學學生報, 於1969年3月16日創刊。
Aloysians is the student newspaper of St. Louis School. It was first published on March 16, 1969.
Editing is the most important task in Aloysians. Without good content, there is no starting point for typesetting and photography.
《博藝》排版同學會學習使用Adobe Illustrator、Adobe Photoshop等軟件處理版面。
Aloysians typesetters utilize software such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop for layout design.
Photography is the newest department established in Aloysians. In 2022-23 academic year, a sizable photography team comprising over ten students was formed.